Kitob mualliflari A.A. ABDUAZIZOV,

This textbook is devoted to the students of Universities. It includes description of the English pronunciation in Great Britain which is compared with other literary pronunciations. The textbook gives comporative-typological analysis o f the vowel and

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Kitob nashriyoti nomi: Publishing house “Musiqa”
Kitob nashr qilingan shahar: Tashkent
Kitob nashr qilingan yili: 2007 Yil
Betlar Soni: 0
To‘liq matnni ko‘chirib olish uchun kutubxonaga a'zo bo‘lish shart
Fayl formati: pdf
Fayl format turi: application/pdf
Fayl hajmi: 6.62 MB
Turi: Darslik
Tili: O‘zbekcha
Kitob yozuvi: Lotin
Matn turi: Bosma shaklda
Kirish huquq turi: OCHIQ KIRISH